Be HAPPY, It's more important.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Whatever we do, wherever we are, we all wish to be happy. What is happiness though? After a strenuous thinking, I'm sure about one thing. HAPPINESS is not the absence of SADNESS. They are not opposites, you just can't say that someone will be definitely happy if you wipe out all the sad feelings from him/her. She might be happy or she might end up not feeling anything, just feel empty from inside. Why is it so important to understand this? Because, human mind is a intoxicating mixture of different feelings, often in disproportionate measure. You should be able to figure out and celebrate when you are happy.
Being happy is not just about the raw feeling of content, its much more glorious. Happiness can revitalize every part of your body and change your attitude towards life. To be happy is very simple, but to figure out what makes you happy might take a life time . If you are lucky enough, you can figure it out in a fraction of second, though. Just, ask yourself a simple question, "What would make me the happiest person in the world?"
Initially, the question will seem to be very simple and more simpler will be to get an answer. Some might say more money will make them happy, another might say that buying a house might make them happy and they might be right in a way, of course, everybody will be happy to make more money or to own a house. But, think about it, does making more money or buying a new house make you happy every single time? Do you feel excited to the same level as you were when you bought your first house when you are buying your second one? May be you might be, but there will be a big difference in the quality. First time, its an achievement. Second time onwards its an investment and it doesn't hold any emotional value.
If you wish to be happy and wish to feel the happiness, you should work on figuring out what really makes you happy. It is as equally important as being happy itself. You should know what gives you real happiness, not happiness just for the sake of it. Once you know that, being happy is nothing but doing the same stuff that makes you real happy, over and over. And I'm telling you, this time your happiness would not fade away over time. Rather, it will radiate ever so powerfully over time.
We all are moving very fast to keep up with the world running so fast and hence, have no time appreciate the small things in our day to day life. Though we actually know what would make us happy, we just pretend to know not and chase something else since the world is going behind it.
There is no single rule for everyone here. What works out for me, might not work out for you. Otherwise, we would have never had Gandhiji and Subash Chandra Bose in the same era. Don't take your life for granted. It's going be to only once and you should give your best to make it worth. You can do it only by figuring out what makes you happy. Once you are happy, no one can stop you from achieving your dream.
Happy mind is god's heaven. Don't neglect something because its too less of an importance to your career. There is a life waiting for you out there, get out once in a while and fly high with your wings spread wide.