Five reasons why YOU may not have enough MONEY

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

By the end of every month, if you end up thinking that you do not have enough money then this one is probably for you.

1) You are not earning enough MONEY, it is just that. If you do not have enough in-flow of money, obviously you will not be left with enough money.

2) You are living above your means. By that, I mean your lifestyle. Your expenditures to maintain your highly sophisticated lifestyle goes well beyond your monthly cash in-flow.

3) You are not frugal in your expenditures.

4) May be, you are in a deep debt trap. Chunk of your monthly income goes towards your debts.

5) You have not started your investments to build assets which will get you money and make you wealthy.

What should you do increase your MONEY in-flow?

1) Start leading a life with expenditures controlled well below your means.

2) Live frugally.

3) Do not depend on only one source of income. In this information age, there are a lot of different opportunities available to establish a passive source of income.

4) Pay off your debts. Prioritize your debts, concentrate on one debt at a time and pay it off fully then move on to the next one. By this way, you would be debt free in fairly less time compared to paying some of all the debts every month.

5) Understand your cash flow pattern, take full control over it and avoid unnecessary expenditures. If there is a flaw in your cash flow pattern, no matter how much you earn, you will still be in need of more money.

6) Learn to pay yourself first. Start investing at least 10% of your monthly income.

No body would want to work all their life time to see paycheck after paycheck. Make hay while the sun shines.