The best innovation of the past century

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Of late, I was thinking about the various inventions and innovations of the last century. Human race have achieved a lot in the past century when compared to the further past. I can even say, the past century as the magnificent period in the history of human race. We have learned a lots about nature to science to psychology to particle science to medicine to what not, a great deal about everything. The last century had given a great leap forward, at the same time, in the other side of the coin, we have seen the worst inventions of the human race as well. From nuclear bombs to biological weapons to AIDS to anthrox to the worst of all, GLOBAL WARMING.

So much has happened in the last hundred years, and it seems to be really difficult to comprehend what has conspired out of those inventions. Though there are numerous inventions, some of them have really made a huge impact in the human life and have paved the way for a new civilization in its entirety, like the first discovery of fire, the design of a wheel etc,.

If I've to pick up one such invention, it would be nothing else but the COMPUTER and I believe you all will accept it. Of course, the computing machine is THE INVENTION of the past century. It is just like fire and wheel, it had changed everything and everything has changed so fast, in the blink of an eye. The invention of the computing machine have just laid the foundation for the rest of the wonderful things that happened over time, actually in no time. Like, the internet, then the World Wide Web to everything else and thus we entered the INFORMATION INDUSTRY.

Now, nothing gets done in the same way as it used to be. Electronic mails replaced post cards, people no more go to banks to transact, people buy stuffs over internet, they even get all their professional work done from home and still get paid for their work. Geographical differences are no more considered as differences at all, we are absolutely in a GLOBAL VILLAGE.

Though several new technologies developed over the internet platform, only certain technologies marks the milestone. According to my opinion, one such technological product offered over the internet, which really gave access to the tons of information available across the globe, which really bought the entire world at your door step, steals the show. And it is none other than, GOOGLE - a name that replaced the word SEARCH officially.

According to me, Google is one of the best innovation of the past century. Of course, there are so many other important innovations like VIRTUALIZATION, which changed the way we utilize our hardware resources. But still, Google stands very close to my heart - not only because I use almost every time I need to get some information, mainly because of their intellectual work towards making the world's knowledge accessible just with a click of your mouse.

A brief introduction about GOOGLE:


Google's mission is to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful.

Founded: 1998
Founders: Larry Page and Sergey Brin
Incorporation: September 4, 1998
Initial public offering (NASDAQ): August 19, 2004
Headquarters: 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043

Can you just imagine a whole new world without Google? A world without google, would be like huge book without an INDEX. Very difficult. Don't you agree that GOOGLE is easily one of the best innovation of the past century?

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