Lessons learned from Mr. Harry Potter's story

Monday, November 23, 2009

I'm an avid reader and a great fan of J. K. Rowling's master piece "Harry Potter Series". I should say that I re-invented my reading habits through J. K. Rowling's books. According to me she is the next best imaginative person to Leonardo Da Vinci. Of course, no one can best Leonardo Da Vinci. I should write a separate article on him, now back to the topic. I don't think we need any introduction for the Harry Potter series. So, I'd right away get into what I want to write here, the lessons I learned from reading the Harry Potter series.

1) You are what you are because of the choices you made. Chances doesn't dictate your destiny, rather choices do. When it comes to proficiency in magic, Tom Riddle, the Villain is as good as Dumbledore, the teacher. But Tom Riddle chose to be the bad guy, very simple.

2) If you are gonna wait for you to be prepared to act, you are going to wait forever. Because, you are not gonna be fully prepared at any point of time. We age daily and with that, we improve our knowledge base too.

3) Do not be judgmental about anyone. Prejudice is preposterous. Keep your opinions nimble enough to change them at will if necessary.

4) Find what you are best at and try to work on improving it. Know your strengths, more than that know what you are weak at.

5) Give everyone their due respect. No one is inferior to any one. Everyone have their fair share of dirt with them and all of them are as good as anyone else.

6) Always do your best to help others. It is the best happiness you can earn yourself.

7) Stand up to fight for everything that is worthy enough. If you do not stand up for yourself, probably you are not going to stand up for anyone or any other thing in your life.

8) Love your friends as much as you love yourself. And learn to forget their misdeeds because no one is perfect in this world, including you. Always give them a chance when they come back and buy yourself a chance when you need it.

9) Always try to keep your head on your shoulders. Do not let your attitude rule your mind. Think before you act. Never let your principles die, because they maketh what you are.

These are the nine golden rules I learned from my much favorite Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling.