Love @ First Sight - The Magical Moment

Friday, October 23, 2009

You're in your friend's marriage party and one of your friend's introduces someone to you. In that immediate moment you get an overwhelming feeling that he or she is "The one" for you. As you spend more time with that person, you more and more fall for that person. Love at first sight. It does seems like a familiar story, isn't it? You might have got used to it by now, one of the most sought after movie story plot - success guaranteed. Whenever you see such a movie, I'm sure we all would have wished for such an incident in our personal life too. Because, it is magical.
I can hear your murmur, "Oh, yeah! Many a stuffs happen very easily in movies and if I expect them to happen in my life I'd be doomed". Though art forms imitates life, movies have always been exaggeration of real life rather than being a portrayal. I agree to you. But, most of the time they take cues from real life. It is not such a bad idea to give it a thought.

I personally believe, even science says so, that humans have an excellent instinct to differentiate a friend from a foe. We might have developed this instinct millions of year ago and we've mastered it over a period of time. Believe me, recent studies shows that it only takes less than 3 seconds to form an opinion about some one. And it takes less than 30 seconds to decide whether somebody looks attractive or not.

Whenever we meet up somebody for the first time, it just takes less than 30 seconds to decide whether we are attracted to them or not. Too short, too tall, too stout, too lean, too grumpy - he or she's out. All that takes is 30 seconds. If at all, if we are attracted to the other person, our mind races behind forming an opinion about them. The next important thing that makes a huge impact is how they present themselves or behave. Needless to say, the kind of dress they wore, their hair do, their expressions all makes an impact. Next, we pay more importance to the other persons words - what they speak takes the final call. And, your mind can analyze all these information and can just inform you if it feels that person may be the one for you - all it takes is less than three seconds.

Most importantly, if you feel this magical moment with someone there is high chance that you will get back to that person over and over again. On the course, you will really cherish the love for that person and on top of that, you will fight your way back to keep it alive at any cost. So, when do you feel your magical moment, don't neglect it. Go ahead and give it a shot! All the best.

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